

emissão de 12 de Dezembro de 2009

Gnonnas Pedro et ses Dadjes - Dadje von o non - Legends of Benin
Honoré Avolonto et Orchestre Poly-Rythmo - Tin lin non - Legends of Benin
Omar Souleyman - La sidounak sayyada - Dabke 2020
Bellemou & Benfissa - Li maandouche l'auto - 1970's Algerian Proto-Raï Underground
Group Bombino - Boghassa - Guitars from Agadez Vol. 2
Tinariwen - Imidiwan afrik tendam - Imidiwan/Companions
Justin Adams & Juldeh Camarah - Sahara - Tell no Lies
Keletigui et ses Tambourinis - Sabougnouma - The Syliphone Years
Mercury Dance Band - Kai wawa - Ghana Special: Modern Highlife, Afro Sounds, Ghanaian Blues 1968-1981
Christy Azuma & Uppers International - Din ya sugri - Ghana Special
Kim Sun - The man who must leave - Psych Funk 101


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