

emissão de 6 de Março de 2010

Abertura e fecho no trilho dos beatniks em Marrocos. Pelo meio, muito Mali, e um pouco de Senegal, Gana, Gâmbia, Congo e Etiópia.

Artistas desconhecidos - faixas 1-3 - Brion Gysin: One Night at the 1001
Orchestra Baobab - Papi ndiaye - Made in Dakar
Christy Azuma & the Uppers International - Din ya sugri - Ghana Special
Oumou Sangaré - Sounsoumba - Seya
Amadou & Mariam - La realité - Dimanche à Bamako
Tinariwen - Lulla - Imidiwan
Ali Farka Touré & Toumani Diabaté - Warbé - Ali & Toumani
Justin Adams & Juldeh Camarah - Blue man returns - Soul Science
Staff Benda Bilili - Sala mosala - Très Très Fort
Mulatu Astatke & the Heliocentrics - Mulatu - Inspiration Information
Brian Jones & the Master Musicians of Joujouka - Take
me with you my darling, take me with you/55/War song - Brian Jones presents the Pipes of Pan at Joujouka


1 Comentários:

Às 6/5/11 1:45 da manhã , Anonymous Anónimo disse...

This is an extremely practical presentation that gives great examples of how to engage people in

executing the plan. I found this very insightful. Well done. Thank you.

Grace Parrish

evolv health


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